Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Summer Mission Trip to Haiti

Dear Family and Friends,

Happy New Year! Angie and I have had a wonderful 2010 and are about to celebrate our first anniversary! While we were talking about the past year, our future also came up and we began to share how God is calling us to short-term international missions. We have been exploring some different options for the past few months and have been invited to be a part of a mission trip this summer.

We have the opportunity to go to Haiti from July 9-16. As you are aware, Haiti suffered a massive earthquake on January 12, 2010. The earthquake killed over 200,000 people, in addition to injuring approximately 300,000 and leaving over 1 million homeless. It will take years of effort to restore even the most basic services and support for the people of Haiti.

While in Haiti, we will be participating in many activities that will allow us to minister to the local people:
• We will be spending time in an orphanage playing games with children and teaching them the Bible.
• We will be actively involved in a construction project.
• We will support and encourage local churches in Haiti by helping them to rebuild.
• We will be preparing and serving meals to those affected by the earthquake.

All of our ministry efforts will be coordinated through Mission of Hope Haiti (

We are seeking your prayers and financial support. Please pray that God would use us to share Jesus and the good news of the Gospel with those who have never heard. Since this trip is self-funded, Angie and I are asking you for your help. The cost to be a part of this mission trip is $1500 per person and both of us will be going. This brings our total to $3000. We have already started making changes to our budget so that we are not asking you to do anything that we aren’t already doing. Please know that any support will help - no amount is too small!

Please mail donations to:

Josh and Angie Holder
5628 88th Street
Lubbock, TX 79424

Or you can click on the "Donate" button on the right side of the blog.

Thank you in advance for your prayers and support!

In Christ,

Josh & Angie

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