Friday, February 18, 2011

Did you know....?

Today, Josh and I made our bi-weekly run to Sam's club. As we were there we bumped into some friends and it just so happened that she taught me something I didn't know so I thought I would share it, along with the deal I got, of course!

She taught me the "1" rule. If a price tag has a 1 at the end of it that means that it is a "Close out." For example: $4.81.
This just means that Sam's is currently trying to get rid of that inventory to make room for more, so they mark it down as low as possible. Which means good deals for us!! :)

So the deal we got today was a variety box of 3 bags of Barilla tortellini for $2.21. If you ever buy tortellini at the grocery you know that they typically ask a pretty penny for it and that this is a terrific deal!

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