Thursday, February 10, 2011

Haiti Mission Trip - Our Interview

Tonight was a great night - we had our official interview for our mission trip to Haiti! We met with Paige from Church on the Rock for about 20 minutes and now we're even more excited about going than we were before!

She explained that the organization we'll be working with in Haiti, Mission of Hope (, is really great and they have a very safe compound located just outside of Port au Prince. We knew our friends and family would be happy to hear that, too. She also explained that should political unrest escalate before the trip we could choose not to go.

We asked if we would need any additional vaccinations and she said that none were required but we were free to get them on our own. I'm going to make an appointment for Angie and I to meet with our doctor about it. We know that nothing that happens on our trip will be outside God's will.

We will have one meeting each month with Rick and the rest of the team until we get closer to our departure date, and then we'll have two meetings a month to wrap up anything left to be done.

My boss told me today that when she saw my request for time-off this summer for the trip, she immediately thought Angie and I would come back with a child from a Haitian orphanage. I just laughed and said, "You never know!" :)

- J

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