Friday, November 5, 2010

What's Going On? So Glad You Asked! (Part 2)

Now that we’ve filled you in on what’s going on at church, here’s an update about work!

A few months ago Angie became a certified Zumba instructor and she’s already putting her skills to work! She is teaching 7 (yes, you read that right) classes a week and is loving every bit of it! She teaches at the YWCA, Covenant LifeStyles Centre, Lu’s Fitness, and University Medical Center. There are a lot of people doing Zumba right now, so Angie is in big demand. She usually gets at least a couple calls a week to sub on top of her regular classes. Meanwhile, she’s still working at the Y, but she’s reduced her hours to part time. She is looking for another job right now to replace her work at the Y.

Josh is working for St. Joseph Health System’s Enterprise Clinical Information Systems department. He transitioned from Dell several months ago, but is still located at Covenant. He is the manager of a different team now – this team focuses on clinical software. With all the new changes brought by the government’s ARRA legislation, his work will continue to be fast-paced for the next few years. His team was involved with a major system upgrade a few weeks ago and everything went very smooth!

1 comment:

  1. Josh - You sound like a pageant spokesperson. HA
