Thursday, November 11, 2010

What is CVSing?

Recently I heard about a new way to save money. I know, my ears perked up when I heard that too! :)

A friend of mine and I were talking the other day about coupon shopping, which we both do. She started explaining a new “hobby” (if you will), that she just started doing. She coupon shops at CVS!

Now, you may be thinking, “Okay what’s the big deal? Anyone can clip a couple coupons and save some money but I really don’t want to go through all that trouble just to save a few bucks.” Well I’ll tell you, it’s not just a few bucks – sometimes if you plan it just right you can spend little to no money out of pocket. You can go to my friend Lindsey’s blog and look at her purchases to get an idea of what I mean.

There are lots of resources such as: blogs, newspaper ads, and websites that you must visit weekly in order to get the best deals.

I started this past week and I made my first purchase as an official CVS coupon shopper(also known as CVSing). My first shopping trip I saved $40.00 and received $16.00 in Extra Bucks back (free money). So in actuality I only spent $24.00. Since I’m new at this I haven’t quite remembered to do everything but I will get on track this week and begin sharing my purchases with you. I forgot to take a picture this time but I will for the next purchase so you can get an idea of what I’m getting and how much I’m saving. It would have been great to show you a picture of all that I purchased last week because I received a lot of things for the amount I paid.

If you would like to learn more about CVS coupon shopping go to and click on the CVS 101 tab. It will tell you all you need to know to get started! It’s so much fun - and you can save lots of money! :)

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