Friday, November 12, 2010

Check It Out!

I could hardly wait to blog about my CVS trip today! It was wonderful! It was literally a steal- well almost! Today I made two separate purchases because of the way the deals fell. I’ll explain as I go. Here’s how it went:

Purchase #1:
Retail Value of Products: $27. 45
Total Out of Pocket: $18.93
Amount saved: $8.52
Extra bucks received: $7.00

The reason I chose to make two separate purchases was simply because the items that were purchased first came with Extra Bucks. Extra bucks are sometimes but not always advertised and they are located at the bottom of your printed receipt. Oh, I forgot to mention – they are free money! ;)

I didn’t mind spending $19.00 because I knew it was going to give me extra bucks which would allow me to turn around and use those as free money for my next purchase. Plus I couldn’t beat the deal on Coke products (4/$13).

On to my next purchase…

Purchase #2:
Retail Value of Products: $44.16
Total Out of Pocket: $4.22
Amount saved: $39.94

Thanks to the coupons, manufacturer and store, and $9 in Extra bucks I already had plus the $7 dollars in Extra bucks I earned today, I was able to spend almost no money!

Here are my totals since November 12th:

Retail Value of Products: $71.61
Total Out of Pocket: $23.15
Amount saved: $48.46

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