Thursday, August 25, 2011


Hey there! I haven't posted in a good while, so I thought I would update you on the latest baby events. To start, I am now in my third trimester. Wow! That's really hard to believe. Time is flying by and there is still so much to do. Grayson is growing like crazy and making things a little less comfortable for me. No big deal though - I thoroughly enjoy feeling and watching him move around in my belly. He is so active and that makes it fun. I'm getting to the point now where I can't bend over as easily to pick things up and Josh has to help me up from the couch. It's pretty humerous!

I had a doctor's appointment this past Wednesday. Since I am in my third trimester it was time for me to get a routine diabetes test. My doctor does this for all her patients once they hit their third trimester just to make sure that everything is okay. So all I had to do was drink some nasty liquid and get some blood work done. The results haven't come back yet, but we will probably hear something in the next few days. I will keep you updated on the results.

Last weekend Josh and I had our first baby shower, given by the church. It was so wonderful. We are really blessed to be a part of such a great church. As usual, they went above and beyond and Grayson received a ton of clothes and toys (to name a few). We were also blessed enough to receive our nursery furniture (which we are so excited about!!). So we have ordered that and once it comes in we will officially be able to decorate the nursery. Now the fun begins! :)

We have also decided on the photographer who will take Grayson's newborn pictures. I'm most excited about the fact that we found someone who is affordable. Plus, her website if full of cute baby pictures. I think they are going to turn out just great! Other than that, Josh and I have just been reading up on parenting books and trying to prepare/educate ourselves on what to expect when our little one arrives.

ALSO -I know that I have not posted any belly pictures lately-but, I plan on taking some tonight and putting them up over the weekend. It is quite a bit different from the last time I put them up. :)

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