Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We've chosen a name....

Well some of you may already know by this point, but we wanted to inform those of you that don't. Originally we decided that we weren't going to tell the name of our baby until a little closer to the due date, but I let it slip by accident so now the words out and we thought it would be fun to go ahead and tell everyone! After a lot of back and forth, we've decided to name him Grayson James. What's the story behind the name? It's simple, really. On one of our trips to Paris, back when we were engaged, Josh and I saw a sign for Grayson County. We both really liked the name at the time so we put it on our list that we were keeping of boy names. Then on our recent trip to Colorado we had decided that we were going to take a baby name book and try to decide what we wanted the name to be. After spouting off a lot of terrible names and a few okay names, I closed the book and read the list of names that we had been keeping all along. Then on the count of three we were both going to say what our favorite name was so far. We both said Grayson. So Grayson it is and because Grayson is somewhat of a unique name we wanted something more streamline and biblical for the middle name. So there you have it!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I love the name and I couldn't figure out why Grayson County was familiar to me - you may not have thought it was a "family" name but Granny was born and raised in that County until her dad brought them out to West Texas when she was young. She was born in Bells and raised in Sherman and Denison. You just never know - do you?
