Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's a boy!!

Well as most of you probably know by now, Josh and I found out last Thursday (5/26) that we are going to have a boy! We are thrilled :) The nurse that was doing the ultrasound was immediately able to tell that it was a boy.

The doctor's appointment went very well last week. I saw the geneticist again and there they tested me once more to make sure there were no signs of Downs, Spina bifida, etc in the baby. I'm still waiting to hear back from them with the results (usually takes a week or more). They also said the baby looked healthy and right on schedule as far as growth goes. My next doctor's appointment will be July 7th and of course we will keep you updated with the latest news!

P.S. No, we have not come up with a name yet. It's a work in progress!

Here's some pictures of him showing off his stuff!!

This is his spine...

These are his ribs...

Here is a great shot of his legs and toes...Looks like their all there!

And here are a couple of 3D pictures of him trying to suck his thumb...

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