Monday, March 21, 2011

Palo Duro Canyon Trip

Josh and I decided that the weather has been so great in Lubbock the past few weeks that we would take a camping trip to Palo Duro Canyon for the weekend. I thought I would share our trip with you because this was the first time that Josh and I have done anything like this since we have been together. Keep in mind that I am the more "outdoorsy" type and he is the more "city boy" type, but he did exceptional and we had a wonderful and relaxing trip!

I consider it a good trip because we only experienced a couple of mishaps. One of which we came across as soon as we opened the trunk. We had stacked all of our supplies (chairs, tent, etc.) in the back of the Expedition and everything on bottom was wet. We forgot to plug the cooler so the melted ice had drained onto our stuff – whoops! Not a good start, but it could’ve been worse. We just hung all of our wet stuff from a tree and it was good to go after a while.

Before we did anything else, we set up camp and Josh and I had quite an experience trying to figure out where the last tent pole was supposed to go. We finally figured it out when we noticed there was no way to get into the tent, which is kinda the whole point of bringing a tent anyway.

The weather was beautiful so we took a nice hike through the canyon. We really didn’t cover much ground because we were mainly going up, but we were just trying to take our time and enjoy being away from everything. We started our hike on a widely-used path, but ended up making our own way through the terrain. It was wonderful! We read our Bibles and prayed for a little while when we found a flat area towards the top of the canyon.

Dinner was also really funny because there was a burn ban at the canyon. That meant we had to cook our hot dogs and beans over a really small flame. It took a while to cook it all, but again, we enjoyed not being in a rush.

We left the next morning just as it was starting to rain and stopped at McDonalds for breakfast. McGriddles – Yum!

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