Thursday, May 29, 2014

Family Vacation in California

A few weeks ago Grayson and I got the chance to meet up with daddy in California. Josh was there a few days prior to us visiting, on business, so we decided to make a vacation out of it. We were actually able to do a lot while we were out there. Grayson had a blast going to the beach, downtown Disney, shopping (not so much on this one), Discovery Cube museum, Pretend City and swimming! Despite everything we did we also got to relax a ton and enjoy some family time!
Here's some pictures -- Get ready, there's a lot of them. Enjoy!

The view from our hotel
 If I could just see over this ledge...
 Silly face!
 Huntington Beach

 Oops, daddy forgot how short G was

 Party Pooper
 Homemade Gelato Shop on the beach

Downtown Disney... Life-size Disney characters made out of Legos

So many options

Pirate Mickey

Shopping with mom, trying on hats!

Pretend City...where you can dress up and be anything!

 Teaching G to do forward rolls

Discovery Cube museum

In the caves...Daddy taught us about the stalagmites and stalactites.

Enjoying the Disney fireworks show from our hotel window 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Your family vacation sure looks absolutely fantastic. Your son looks adorable as ever. I'm sure he had the most fun out of it all. Of course, some fireworks are just the perfect way to top-off your trip to California. Thank you so much for sharing the lovely pictures. I hope everyone is doing well!

    Marci Deegan @ Twin Pine
