Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Another shot at a cake!!

I don't know much about professional cake baking but I do know that I want to start making them. So I was finally able to get the essential tools that I needed to start really trying to bake and decorate cakes! I plan on trying to bake more new and exciting cakes this year. You'll have to check them out. Hopefully I'll get better as I go. Here's my attempt! Not the best but hey I'm still a newby!! Plus I learned what not to do next time :)
This is a rose cake that I made for grandmas birthday. She was a good sport and let me experiment on her!! I dare not put the picture of the cake that was the inspiration for this next to it because then you would see just how bad it is- ha!
So- I created the roses by piping them on with a special tip using a certain technique. Really wasn't that complicated. That's really all there was to this cake (yeah right), but ill spare you all the extras because those are all the time consuming parts. Total, this cake took me 5 hours of labor time plus 24 hrs of freezing time. I'll post more as they come

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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