Friday, October 21, 2011

Latest Doctor's Appointment and belly pictures

Now that I am about to pop any day now I am seeing my doctor once a week from this point forward. If you've lost track, I am now almost 38 weeks along. Since last week she has begun checking me to see if I am dialated. So far, Nothing! Although, she did say on Wednesday that I was starting to thin out a little bit and that he had dropped some. She said after I see her on October 31st, depending on my body's progress, Josh and I can make a decision whether or not we want to go ahead and induce or if we want to wait. I'm hoping I will progress enough between now and then so that we can induce and go ahead and bring Grayson into this world!! We will be keeping you all informed as soon as we know something.

For those of you who haven't seen me in a while I've gotten pretty big. Here's the proof!

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