Sunday, October 9, 2011

DIY Fall decorating on a budget

A couple of weeks I got such an itch to do some fall decorating. I didn't decorate for fall last year so I knew going into it that I would have to start from scratch. So, I started looking around, not really finding a whole lot of great things and realizing how expensive decorations were. I soon came to the conclusion that I would rather do some DIY projects and get the looks of Fall that I wanted and pay a whole lot less! So I started out looking at Goodwill, The Dollar Tree, and then your typical Kirklands, Target, Hobby Lobby and Ross. I picked up a few things here and there and this is what I came out with.

This is the centerpiece I made for the dining room table:

I started by buying 3 different glass vases from Goodwill to try and create a more eclectic look. Here's the break down on how to create this look:

The two taller vases were $4 a piece and the small vase was $1. I already had the candles so all I had to buy was a steam of berries from Hobby Lobby for $3.50, which I pulled a part and placed in the vase how I liked, a bag of acorns from Hobby Lobby (which were quite more than I would have liked to pay) regularly $8.99 but I used a coupon and got them for $5.50, and I used coffee beans that we had in the pantry to fill the small vase. That makes this project a total of $18.00.

This project was created to spice up the bookshelves!
I found a set of 3 silver candlesticks at Goodwill for $6, stacked them on a couple of books for height, placed two different colored pumpkins that I purchased from Wal-Mart for $0.98 each on top and I took what was left over of the stem of berries that I purchased for the centerpiece and scattered them around the based for a more Fallish look! This look cost a total of $8.00!

On this project I actually got to test my crafting skills. To create this I bought 4 black frames from The Dollar Tree and a 5 foot strand of fall leaves for, you guessed it, $1 a piece. Then I bought 2 pieces of black, brown, and fall scrapbooking paper for $0.30 each and a set of stencils for $3.00 from Hobby Lobby. After tracing the letters on both the black and brown paper I cut them out and glued them to the fall background paper using the black to highlight the letters. This whole project cost me right under $10.00.
Here's the look altogther:

I created this simple centerpiece for the entryway. I already had the hurricane glass and silver plate so all I had to purchase was the cinnamon candle ($3.50 from Wal-Mart) and the leaves ($1.00 from The Dollar Tree) and it was that easy!!!
Then I just picked up the thanksgiving plate from Ross for $3.99 and this finished off the look!

Anyway - I had a ton of fun doing these DIY projects and I hope by next year that they get even bigger and better!

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