Saturday, April 16, 2011

Our First Baby Pictures!

Say hello to our first baby!

We had a great meeting with Dr. Suit last week. We found out that our due date is November 8, so mark your calendars and get ready to visit the Holder family during the holidays! As you can see we also had our first ultrasound - amazing! (Side note: a friend told me it was not a sonogram because in his wife's words, "that's what you use to see submarines - not babies")

We also found out that our baby looks very healthy and all of Angie's levels are very good for the baby's development. Wait - what did you say? You want to see another picture? Ok!

Dr. Suit scheduled us for another appointment in a couple weeks. A few weeks after that we have an appointment with a different doctor who will do a genetics test. The point of this test is to tell us in advance of the delivery if our baby has any genetic disorders. One of the benefits of doing the genetics test is that we also get to find out our baby's gender! I'm sorry, what was that? Oh, you want to see a picture of the baby's little legs? Alrighty!

Needless to say, every little thing we find out is so exciting! We love this baby and it's not even here yet :) One of the coolest thing about this ultrasound was getting to see the baby's heart beat. It was workin' like crazy and was so small! Keep us (all of us) in your prayers - more to come!

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