Monday, July 5, 2010

Our First Meeting With Adoption Covenant

Angie and I had our first meeting with Adoption Covenant on Friday. We didn't know a lot about our options or the process, so we scheduled some time with Merinda at AC to help guide us through the basics. Going into the meeting we were heavily considering international adoption for our first child. Merinda asked us a few questions about our preferences: "what gender, age, and race do you want?" I felt a little uncomfortable listing the desired traits of our children rather than letting God guide us to the one he has already chosen for us. Angie and I are very open to whatever little one he brings into our lives.

Merinda explained that if we pursued infant adoption through the Texas CPS system, we would have to foster the child first and we run the risk of losing the child if the state is able to reunite the family. As we considered the posibility of losing our child before they were officially ours, we knew that this was not the best choice for us.

She then told us about a domestic infant adoption program that matches us with a pregnant mother that is looking to find a good home for her child. Merinda explained that we would supplement (or replace) the birthmother's income and pay her medical expenses while she carries the baby. This was more expensive and, again, risky. The birth mother - even after we pay for her medical bills - still has the right to keep her child if she decides to do so within 48 hours of her delivery.

So after an hour-long meeting with Merinda (who is wonderful and has an obvious love for orphaned children), we are right back to where we started - international adoption! She gave us a breakdown of costs, an estimated timeline, and a lot of other great information. Part of that information was regarding our homestudy. We'll explain that in another post soon!

All in all, we are SO excited that God brought us to Adoption Covenant and we can't wait to work with Merinda and her staff. Even though we have yet to begin the waiting, and we are still trusting God to provide financially, we are so grateful that He has given us a heart to adopt. Angie and I believe that there are many couples out there that have the same calling, and we pray that they would be sensitive to what God is asking them to do.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there I am currently considering adoption covenant as my agency for domestic infant adoption- would you recommend them as a good agency to work with?
