Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Whatcha' got Cookin'....

I tried a new recipe last week, but it’s not what you think! It wasn’t a recipe with food, it was a recipe with soap!
Amy Thompson, our pastors’ wife, is definitely a woman of many abilities. A few weeks ago I heard her talking about how she makes her own laundry detergent. I was immediately intrigued when she said that 1. It saves a lot of money (it comes out to about 2 cents a load) and 2. The recipe makes a ton so you don’t have to do it often.
So this week, with the help of my husband, we made homemade laundry detergent! Don’t knock it ‘til you try it because it works just as well as major detergent brands and she was right, it makes a ton! It cost about $10 to buy all the supplies - listed below - and the best part is that I still have a ton of the ingredients leftover to make many more batches.

2 cups washing soda
2 cups Borax
1 bar of soap
5 Gallon bucket with lid

Grate bar of soap with cheese grater. In medium saucepan boil 4 cups of water. Gradually add the soap flakes and stir until completely dissolved. Pour into 5 gallon bucket. Add washing soda and Borax. Stir well. Add 3-4 gallons of water and stir well. Let sit overnight. Stir the next day and your ready to go. It might be watery or gel. It doesn't matter it will wash just the same. Use 1 cup with each load.

Enjoy :)


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