Thursday, June 9, 2016

Update on Dee Dee

We found out last night that Dee Dee's investigation report came back. As the social workers from ECAS (our adoption agency) read through the report they saw some alarming things that made them question Dee Dee's situation. They sent the report on for further review and guided council to their attorney.  The attorney also had some questions about the report. Without getting into all the details on the Internet, we've decided that because of the unknowns of Dee Dee's case and the complications that stand in the way, we feel it's best to decline. This isn't us not taking her because it will be hard or a long process (we know every case will be hard), but rather our decision is the result of the fact that our case workers don't think Dee Dee will be allowed through the system anytime soon (based on her report). 
We are sad. Sad for Dee Dee and her future and sad that we can't be the ones to be her forever family. All that said we really believe the Lord used her case to open our hearts and minds to more orphans- of both sexes and different ages. The Lord is definitely at work. We see it clearly. We don't know exactly what He has in store for us but we know He is changing our hearts in the process and deepening our faith in Him. 
Please continue to pray for our situation. 

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