Thursday, September 22, 2016

Grayson's Cooking Show

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies -

1 cup canned pumpkin
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
2 cups of All purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Why we're going to Africa...

Well by now most of you know about our decision to take a trip to Africa. I wanted to share a little about what spurred our decision to do this.

As most of you know I had been going to Dallas for foot treatments back in May and June and I did that for about 2 months. I’m sure you can imagine I had a lot of alone time on my trips to and from. From the very beginning of those trips I made a decision to use this time to be with the Lord and for most of every trip I just spent time in prayer and listening to sermons. Really most of it was spent confessing my sin and really thinking deeper about ways that I was falling short in my walk with the Lord, but the Lord, like He always does, used that time for such great purposes. Among a lot of other things that He revealed to me during those trips were my idol of comfort and lack of obedience.

To backtrack a little --I have distinctly felt the Lord telling me that I needed to be more missional for at least the past two years. ‘Missional’ just means intentional activities that we do to make sharing the Gospel a natural part of our lives.  Josh has been aware of this calling and so we put some things in place to ‘do our part’ in the mission world. Maybe you guys remember when I went to Peru before I had C.H. and we actively supported a couple of missionary families that were doing work overseas. We have felt good about our decision to give to missions in this way but on my road trips I distinctly felt the Lord telling me to stop ignoring Him and GO! Reflecting back on it, I think I thought that by doing these other mission-minded things that it would be good enough so that I wouldn’t have to face the fact that I thought He might be calling me to do something more. I think I thought if I put it off long enough and gave to these missionaries, then the Lord would quit asking me to go. Not that He didn’t recognize our giving to missionaries as a genuine offering, but He wanted more from me.

On my last trip to Dallas (which I didn’t know it would be my last trip at the time – funny how God works), it hit me like a ton of bricks. I distinctly felt the Lord calling me to go. To do something that demanded a larger sacrifice from me. This reality was hard for me to accept at first. Aside from being scared, I also realized that I knew for a fact now that He had told me to go and I couldn’t hide from it any longer or it would out right be defiance on my part.
So, I came home with lots of tears and talked to Josh about it. Not really sure where to go from that point, we met with our pastor. He talked us through some starting points on how to really understand if this is what the Lord is calling us to do. Josh and I are really working through some of this stuff. Looking for local ways to be missional, praying, reading books, etc.

With all that said, I had already been in a little bit of contact with Josh second cousins’ wife (Darbi), in Zambia, because I was interested in the orphanage that they were running. It occurred to us that this could be a really great option for us to get our feet wet in a missional way. We contacted them and talked about the opportunities available. We prayed that if this was an opportunity that we should take that the Lord would open the doors. I will say there was plenty of opportunity for this not to work out and we saw first hand that the Lord opened this door for us.

So, that’s the long version. We honestly don’t know what this means going forward. We don’t know how the Lord is going to use this trip but ultimately I just pray that He uses it for His glory no matter what it means for us. We could come back from Africa and think we aren’t cut out for this or maybe not. WE DON’T KNOW! What we do know is that we are continuing to pray through this and I hope you all will pray for us as well. If I was being real, I’d tell you that I think this is scary and risky and even crazy. BUT I feel in my heart that I have to be faithful and obedient to what I think the Lord wants me to do. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Update on Dee Dee

We found out last night that Dee Dee's investigation report came back. As the social workers from ECAS (our adoption agency) read through the report they saw some alarming things that made them question Dee Dee's situation. They sent the report on for further review and guided council to their attorney.  The attorney also had some questions about the report. Without getting into all the details on the Internet, we've decided that because of the unknowns of Dee Dee's case and the complications that stand in the way, we feel it's best to decline. This isn't us not taking her because it will be hard or a long process (we know every case will be hard), but rather our decision is the result of the fact that our case workers don't think Dee Dee will be allowed through the system anytime soon (based on her report). 
We are sad. Sad for Dee Dee and her future and sad that we can't be the ones to be her forever family. All that said we really believe the Lord used her case to open our hearts and minds to more orphans- of both sexes and different ages. The Lord is definitely at work. We see it clearly. We don't know exactly what He has in store for us but we know He is changing our hearts in the process and deepening our faith in Him. 
Please continue to pray for our situation. 

Friday, June 3, 2016

Preparation and Waiting...

It occurred to me that our blog - you know the blog we started 6 years ago so we could keep you up-to-date on our family and adoption - would be a great place to post all our adoption/travel updates as we embark on our adoption journey in the next few months. Hence the name The Melting Pot. 

So here we are. 6 years down the road and in the midst of an International adoption. Things are crazy as we prepare to bring our child home, but we wouldn’t have it any other way! Here is the most recent update that we have: 

Last Friday we expedited our Dossier paperwork to Uganda which they received on Monday afternoon (5-30-16). We had to expedite the paperwork because we’ve been matched, preliminarily, with a little girl that we believe is about 1 year old.  Let’s calI her “Dee Dee”.  I spoke with our program coordinator, Emily, and she told me that she was hoping to here from our agency lawyer this week on the investigation that is being done on Dee Dee. Again, the investigation is in the best interest of the child and they do it thoroughly, so as not to overlook any parents or relatives that the child may have. She told us that if all this checks out then we would probably be issued a court date pretty quickly and that we would need to be ready for travel. 

So, Josh and I have spent this past week preparing for this should it be the case very soon. We got the whole family vaccinated this week, and made tons of phone calls to start arranging our life back in the States. 

We do plan to take the boys with us to be apart of this experience. While we have weighed the pros and cons of taking the boys, we feel like sometimes the Lord leads us to take risks for the sake of the Gospel and this is one of those times. We are also convinced that our time in-country with Dee Dee will be invaluable and we want them to be a part of each step as our forever family comes together.
Our agency will arrange all of our accommodations while overseas. We will be staying in a more ‘city-like’ place. Not The Bush, for sure.  We will have a translator should we need it but believe it or not the native language there is English. We will essentially be staying in an American compound with other American families who are doing the same thing as us. We have read up on all the safety precautions to take while there, and as previously mentioned, been given all the required vaccinations. We will work with our agency and travel agents to insure our flights and living arrangements while in-country. We have no idea how long we will be staying. Josh and I both really can’t imagine leaving Dee Dee once we meet her, so we have decided to see the adoption through in-country. While staying overseas most families are able to be with the child during the whole process. So even though she is technically living in the orphanage, once we get guardianship papers she can stay with us until the remainder of the paperwork, medicals, visas, etc. have been processed. We believe, no doubt, that this will be a special bonding time for our family! 

Basically we are just waiting patiently at this point. It could be a few weeks or a few months. Everything is kind of up in the air for now, so we would really appreciate your prayers. We know that the Lord’s plan is in place and everything will happen or not happen when it’s supposed to. We are just trusting and waiting… 

All of this to say, we will be limited on internet and phone access while we are in-country, but this will be our new means of communication to our family for day to day updates. Of course, we will try to make some phone calls while we are there. Please check the blog frequently for updates and such. We will more than likely not be able to post pictures of Dee Dee (or at least her face in the photos) but we do want to send some pictures your way. We are excited to see the first interactions of the kids and we want all of you to be a part of that as well.

We’ll keep you updated as we know more!