Friday, August 9, 2013

Paper Pregnancy

Since we have posted last about the adoption, things have been hectic. However they are rolling along fairly smoothly and quickly!
Boy, once you tell someone you want to help with the ever increasing orphan population they are on you like white on rice. Here we were a day into the pre-application process for the international adoption and we got accepted immediately. After that, the emails started flying! They told us what we could expect from here on out and that we would be assigned a family coordinator and social service worker in the next two weeks. A few days later - we had both!

The adoption process can't be this easy - can it? NO...because.....then the paper pregnancy begins.
They start throwing papers and applications at you left and right. Talk about overwhelming, this is! Fortunately I have a calm, level-headed husband that is walking through this with me. So for the next 4-6 months we will be hunting down all sorts of government records and paperwork on ourselves. Also with that comes, TB tests, fingerprinting through the state and FBI, physicals, adoption training, passport photos, criminal background check, etc. You name it we have to do it. Sounds like fun, right? Well this is just the beginning but we are in high hopes that the Lord will lead us through this. And we are keeping our eyes on the prize!

And that's not it! Since we are so crazy as to try and do foster care while all this is going on we have more papers being thrown at us left and right! And TONS of training. Luckily we have a wonderful GG here that has been willing to help out with Grayson as we attend trainings.
Don't worry though- we are not trying to stretch ourselves so thin that we go crazy. We are managing it well and prioritizing as we go.

Our first concern is the international adoption, so we are working on that paperwork first. Especially since the average time to complete the dossier (all the paperwork) is 4-6 months. As far as the domestic foster to adopt goes, we are attending trainings every Thursday night this month along with an infant CPR class and we will begin the paperwork process next month.
So that's our adoption process in a nutshell thus far. We hope to keep you guys updated as much as possible as we go through this process. Please keep us in your prayers.

God is good,
The Holder's

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