Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Time Is NOW!

As most of you know Josh and I both have a great desire to adopt. We feel the bible commands us to care for orphans and we feel the Lord has personally called us to pursue this for His glory. With a few years of prayerful consideration we believe the time is NOW!  

We recently decided to start looking into different agencies and adoption programs to decide which was best for us. We are excited to say that we submitted our application just last night (July 17th) and found out this afternoon (July 18th) that we have been accepted into the Ethiopia Program through American World Adoption (AWAA). The program we have chosen is estimated to take up to 50 months. We know that this is going to be a long process for us but we feel we are up for the journey.

In the meantime, we are looking into a local program here in Lubbock called the Bair Foundation where we hope to do something called foster to adopt. Foster to adopt is a program run by the state, where you foster a child in your home until either the child goes back to the family or the rights get terminated from the child’s family. If that happens, then we would keep the child for 6 months and then have the opportunity to adopt the child. This process is much shorter which is why we have chosen to do this in the meantime. We feel we are ready for more children and ready to start the long journey to care for orphans.

All of this is subject to change. Nothing is ever set in stone when going through the adoption process. Since this is the first time, we are expecting some heartache and rocky patches; but we are praying that the Lord will guide us through this and lead us where we need to be. We are confident that the Lord has called us to do this and we are going to do our best to fulfill His calling.

So here’s to our first adoption blog!! Make sure to follow all our updates on the adoption process on the blog. That is, of course, why we started the blog!

We ask for your prayers,

The Holders

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