Friday, April 27, 2012

Eating 'people' Food!

Grayson is growing and changing faster than ever. He finally figured out how to roll to his right side so he is rolling like a maniac now! He's been scooting on the carpet but no crawling yet. We are looking forward to the day. He's been teething for a few weeks now so we are hoping for a tooth any time. Also, yesterday was his first time to eat real food. I decided that I'm going to make all his baby. 1. It's healthier and 2. It's way cheaper, so we started with squash and it went great. He ate like a champ. You can see the video below.
Besides that he's doing great. He's growing and learning more each day and we are definitely starting to see some rebellious tendencies. Oh, what great times we have to look forward too!! :D

YouTube Video

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