Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Grayson's Firsts

I have to tell you, it has been a true blessing being able to stay home with Grayson. I am thankful that the Lord has provided for us in ways that make it possible. Although, it’s not always roses and sunshine, the good definitely outweighs the bad by far. Getting to see him grow and change makes it all worth it. If you haven’t seen his most recent pictures he has already changed quite a bit. He is smiling and giggling now. Christmas Day was the first time that he smiled back at us in acknowledgment and every since he has just gotten better at it. I’ll tell you, it melts my heart! And today (12/28/11) was the first time he giggled. I can’t wait till he gets good at it – it’s going to be amazing to watch. Stayed tuned to the blog and we will post videos of him smiling and eventually giggling :) Now this one is huge for us- Grayson has also slept through the night three times since we started trying last Sunday. He is gradually getting better and we are hoping that in no time he will be doing it every night!!

Here are some of his most recent pictures!


1 Month:

What a cute grin :D

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Time with the family

Here recently Grayson has gotten the opportunity to meet the rest of Josh's family and my whole side. He has been passed around more times than he can count but he's not complaining. As long as he's in the arms of a warm body he doesn't care who it is!! Here's all the pictures

Cheryl and Mac with Grayson on Thanksgiving..

Rion with him..

Karen and Grayson

Ginger and Grayson

Joe and Linda enjoying their time with him..

I think this one is so brother and his son Aiden

How and Grayson

Lisa and Grayson...

Grayson with his great grandma (Nana)...

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas DIY Decor

Here's some of the Do It Yourself Christmas projects I've done! I'm pretty pleased with them :) If you aren't a crafter you should give it a try. It's one of the most fun, relaxing hobbies I have!

This is my favorite project that I did. They turned out great! I took two different sized styrofoam trees and wrapped them in yarn. Made the stars out of jewelry wire and took berries off a fake berry stem and pinned them into the sides. This project only cost about $11.

I did the same thing for the JOY letters that I did for the FALL letters if you saw those. Easy, cute, and cheap project!

Here I took the same three glass vases that I used for my Thanksgiving centerpiece and filled them with ornaments, tinsel, and peppermints! Cost me $2.00 to make this :)

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