Monday, November 7, 2011

More Pics of Grayson

So the past couple of days have been pretty crazy with the new little guy and all. That means that we're just now getting around to putting up some more pictures. We'll provide a little commentary so you can feel like you're there with us!

Here's our happy, and now more complete, family!

This is Grayson in his going-home-from-the-hospital clothes :) We took this picture as Grayson was developing a new defensive scheme for Tech since the last couple have been real stinkers.

This is Grayson his first night home. His pants are just a little big :)

Josh's Granny came over to the house and got to hold Grayson!

Funny story... this pic was taken at Grayson's first trip to the doctor, which was earlier today. As soon as Angie took this picture Grayson peed all over that phone in the background! Yes, that's right, he whizzed over his own shoulder! Then he pooped on the doctor's exam table. That's my boy.

Since he peed everywhere we had to bathe him! Surprisingly, infants, despite being in water for 9 solid months, really hate baths.

... And here he is after his bath. What a cutie :)

Maw Maw, Angie's Mom, stayed with us this weekend to help us transition into our new life!

GG, Josh's Mom, came over tonight with Holder, Josh's Dad, to spend time with Grayson:

... And finally, Grayson is beautiful and so is his mother :)

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