Saturday, July 9, 2011

New Sonogram pictures and an update from the Doc

Josh and I had another doctor's appointment on Thursday. We found out some wonderful, unexpected news!
The last doctor's visit we found out that I had a 2-vessel umbilical cord instead of a 3-vessel cord (which is normal). He told us it was not a huge concern but that a 2-vessel cord was not normal per-say. The doctor visited with us about it and reassured us that it wasn't something to worry about but that I would just need to be seen more regularly to make sure the baby was growing and getting all of his nutrients. He told us with a 2-vessel cord that it was possible that Grayson wouldn't get as much nutrients as he would if I had a three-vessel cord. Well, when we were getting our ultrasound on Thursday the nurse reassured us that I did in fact have a 3-vessel cord, not a 2-vessel, which is great news and we are so thankful!

Here are some of the sonograms:

We just wanted to confirm....

Sweet little face...

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