Sunday, May 1, 2011

Second Ultrasound!

Angie went for her 2nd ultrasound on Wednesday and we got new pictures!

The baby's a bit shy in this picture... or it's already playing peek-a-boo :)

She met with Dr. Hale, our geneticist, at the recommendation of our OB/GYN, Dr. Suit. Dr. Suit recommends all her patients see a geneticist so that parents have as much information about the baby's health as possible. Dr. Hale has a newer ultrasound machine and all of our pictures will now come from him - the pictures are better quality. God has continued to bless us by giving us great reports from the Drs. about Angie's and the baby's health! The baby's heart-rate is perfectly within the range of a healthy baby :) We will go back in 4 weeks for another check-up and to find out the baby's gender! We can't wait for that appointment to get here!

The baby's giving us the thumbs-up in this one:

I turned this one upside-down because it's easier to make things out:

And here's a close-up!

Keep us in your prayers!


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