Thursday, June 17, 2010

In The Beginning...

Welcome to our blog - and our first post!

The reasons we started this blog are few:

Angie and I wanted to track and document some major life events that we expect to begin soon. For instance, we plan to adopt in the near future and we wanted to share our experience with other couples that are considering the same thing. We thought being open with the things that we will go through would allow others to know our trials as well as our blessings. Our commitment to adoption is based on the gospel of Jesus Christ - that through his death and resurrection we are adopted children of God.

We also started this blog so that we could keep in touch with family and friends without having to get on Facebook! :) So feel free to visit every few days and we'll do our best to keep you up-to-date!

Lastly, we thought it would be fun to tell the entire world (or at least the 5 people actually reading this) what we're reading and what Angie's cooking!

We hope you have as much fun reading as we do writing!

J & A

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