Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ethiopia Adoption Update

We are number 172 (roughly) on the waiting list in Ethiopia! Our dossier has been in Ethiopia for almost a year now (on February 14th) but we have been working in the program for a year and a half. God has been faithful to provide and take us through this crazy process. We are grateful and encouraged. We are praying for our little one to come! 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Taking Advantage of Quiet Time

This morning I am up at 5:45, not really wanting to be awake but taking advantage of a quiet house nonetheless. Apparently, the child growing inside me was having trouble sleeping too, and he wanted to make me aware of that! So, I decided to get up and have time with the Lord before the other little child living in our house comes blazing down the hallway ready to start the day. 

I am going through the book of John right now and it is proving to be a good challenge for my heart. Not only that but just reiterating scripture that I once knew in a new light and making it fresh in my mind again. I’m thankful when the Lord lets the scriptures comes alive and they aren’t just plain text. I have to admit that although I know the bible should not be read as plain text (because it is Holy), sometimes it’s hard not to read it that way. 

Today I read through John 14. This is the passage where Jesus reassures us that if we know Him than we know the Father and therefore we can be sure of The Way. He also promises not to leave us as orphans but says that he will come to us (John 14:18). These passages coupled with Sunday’s sermon just reminds me of God’s goodness in my life. The fact that Jesus has come to save sinners like me (and you) but when He left this earth He didn’t leave us to fend for ourselves. The Father has sent a Helper, the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’s name to teach us all things and to remind us of all that Jesus has done for us (paraphrased, John 14:26). Isn’t God kind not to leave us to ourselves? I’m once again just blown away at the Father’s love for His people. The fact that He called me out darkness and into His marvelous light still baffles me. Why He chose me I have no idea but I am forever grateful to be adopted into the family of God. 

As I was thinking through this I couldn’t help but think of the child that we will be adopting as well. Oh, how I pray that one day we will be able to portray the picture of the Gospel through the adoption that we go through. I pray that one day we will be able to share with our adopted child and all of our children, the glorious meaning of adoption. Without Jesus’s sacrifice for our sins on the cross we would not be able to partake in this glorious truth. So today I am not only thankful, once again, for the salvation that I have in Christ but I am also reminded to pray for the salvation of my kiddos in hopes that God will have mercy on them, just as He has on me, and that He will call them and adopt them into the Kingdom of God. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Week 30 Pregnancy Pictures

Only 10 weeks to go, Lord willing! 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

C.H.'s nursery!

It's done! And we are so pleased with it 😊

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Pictures of C.H. At 29 weeks

We met with the specialist today! Everything is great- baby is healthy. He is currently weighing 3lbs 6oz and he's in the 55 percentile for weight. He's a little big but not too bad! 

Here you can see his eyes are open 

Mouth is wide open and he's trying to stick his toe in his mouth- haha