Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week 18 Pregnancy Pictures

For the past several weeks I have been feeling lots of movement from C.H., which has been exciting! The doctor told me that I wouldn't feel movement until about 20 weeks. Maybe we have a wild one on our hands! Regardless, it has been so cool to actually start feeling him move. This week he made big strides (I think because he has gotten bigger). I am feeling him move and kick A TON more. The other night I put my hand on my belly when he was most active and he kicked my hand. That was the first time I had felt him with my hand!
It's hard to believe there's a human growing inside me and that I can feel him move from the outside. God's creations are amazing!!

Week 17 pregnancy Picture

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pumpkin Fun!

We took Grayson to the pumpkin patch the other night and had some family time.  We opted out of carving this year and decided just to do chalkboard paint instead. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Raidergate 2014

Here are some recent pictures of us at Raidergate. Of course Grayson had a blast just checking things out and seeing all the people!