Thursday, January 30, 2014

International Adoption Update

Well we have a few things to be excited about. First, we got word on Tuesday night that Ethiopia has decided not to close their country for adoption. Whew! We are so relieved. I personally am so glad that God's work is not done in that country because there is so much need for orphan care there. It's exciting to see how God has worked in that situation in me and in the government. 

Here's a blurb from the email we received with the news: 

"We are thrilled to share positive news from Ethiopia.  Earlier today Minister Zenebu, along with other high level MOWCYA officials, met with agency network representatives.  In this meeting it was clearly expressed by Minister Zenebu that she does not plan to work to stop adoptions, but desires to focus on eliminating bad practice and continue to invest in good practice of Ethiopia adoptions.  She reiterated that neither MOWCYA nor the Ethiopian Government plan to shut down adoptions within Ethiopia, and went on to encourage agencies to continue their work as normal."

Secondly, we have finally, after 7 months, completed our dossier. We will be sending it off today without delay! I for one am SO glad to see that thing go!!! Once America World receives our dossier it will be reviewed and then sent off to the Ethiopian government for review. At this point we know we go into what is called the 'referral phase.' This is a long process (many months) and we will wait until we come to the top of the list to be placed with a child. We don't know all the details yet because we are still 18 months to 2 years from this process. As it gets closer we will update you with all the excitement! Please pray for us in the mean time and pray for the government and children in Ethiopia.