Monday, July 9, 2012

Grayson's Accomplishments!

This past week has been full of new tricks! Grayson has officially started crawling and waving 'Hi'. I'm telling you what this parenting thing is rewarding. It's been so much fun watching him learn to crawl. He started out slow but it didn't take him long to get good at it. Now I can't even blink because he's into everything. Life is definitely gonna change from here on out but I'm up for the challenge (at least for now). Ask me in a month and see what I say then!! :) Here are videos of him crawling and waving:
YouTube Video

YouTube Video

Beside those things he's real good at giving kisses and we are working sign language words such as: all done, please and more. It's a slow process but He's doing great.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Summer Fun continued..

Loves to read and play with books

A new toy..

Trying to crawl...

YouTube Video