Thursday, June 7, 2012

Grayson's 6 Month pictures

Here are some of Grayson's most recent pictures. We are really happy with the way they turned out and we wanted to be able to share them with all you who wanted them. In order for everyone to be able to get pictures I have created an account on From now on whenever we have new pictures taken I will upload all the pictures to Walgreens and anyone can go in and print the pictures that they want. All you do is go to It will ask you to sign in.  I've sent you the username and password in an email.  I hope this idea is one that works for everyone. I was just trying to think of a way for everyone to have access to the pictures without me having to print and mail all of them. Also on there are his Newborn pictures and his 1 month / Christmas pictures. I hope you enjoy. Below are just a few pictures to tease you! You can see all of them at