Sunday, December 19, 2010

Check It Out!

I thought I would update you on my lastest purchase at CVS. I haven't been going as often as I was because it has been busy with the holidays, but I plan to pick things up after the new year begins and to start fresh. By that I mean, I thought it would be neat to start my totals over at the beginning of 2011 and to track my savings throughout the year. By doing this it will give me a good idea of what I would have spent, what I saved and how much out of pocket spending I'm doing.

I only made one purchase this week because there weren't any items that I needed that would give me extra bucks so I didn't think it was worth the time to split it up.

Retail value of products: $103.76
Total out of pocket: $59.29
Amount saved: $44.47

This may seem like a lot of out of pocket, but in reality it's not! This gave me a great chance to stock up on items that I will need for the future that will more than likely not be on sale when I need them. I might also add that I went to CVS with NO extra bucks so I did have to spend more out of pocket this time than usual.

For the new year I plan to really focus on only buying the items that I have coupons for and that are currently on sale and to also begin fresh with collecting Extra bucks. By doing this it will help cut down on my out of pocket spending. :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

CVS Deal

This week only CVS is offering a deal. IF you buy an itunes gift card worth $15 or more you will receive a coupon for $10 off the new release of Despicable Me. The movie is originally $19.99.