Monday, September 20, 2010

Our Trip to Colorado

Almost two weeks ago now Josh and I got the opportunity to take a little bit of a vacation in Colorado. Since we both have friends and family there we decided to make a trip out of it and spend some time with everyone. It was nice to be away for a little while.
While we were there we visited Jeff and Meredith who is Josh’s best friend and Jeffs wife. We shopped in Downtown Denver, ate at the Cherry Cricket (one of Josh’s favorite burger restaurants), we got the chance to go to their church (where Jeff is the youth pastor), and we ate a lot at Einstein Bagel Bros., one of my favorite breakfast places! Lubbock needs one. We spent all of two days with them and then we continued our journey West.
The last two days we spent our time with Joe (step-dad). The first day we went to Downtown Denver where they were having Taste of Denver. It’s basically a chance to sample food by all the different restaurants and then you can decide if you want to go eat there. It’s a great way to see what the city has to offer in the way of restaurants.
We had everything from Buffalo taco (which sound really good, but they weren’t) to fried cookie dough (my personal favorite). I could eat that stuff every day!
Here's a few pictures of us at Taste of Denver
Trying on hats:

While we were down in the city Josh got to experience his first Oyster outing! Every since I met Josh I’ve talked about taking him to eat oysters. It’s something I grew up on because Joe is a really big fan of seafood. Here’s a picture of Josh slurping them down!

Another really cool thing we got the chance to do was go to Red Rocks Amphitheater. This is a natural outdoor amphitheater where they hold concerts. They say the sound is just incredible and once you go there you don’t ever want to go anywhere else for a concert. Here is a couple of pictures of it.

This is us at the top!

Besides going to Denver, we spent most of our time just window shopping in the little towns that were close by and enjoying the scenery.
